Player sand5076 posted a message on 07/02 15:39 on the MadLotto Forum: problem. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  problem
09/02/2006 22:54:13

slt sand 5076, try this: press "Ctrl" at the same time as you click onPlay". normally it should unlock you the games. good games!!

09/02/2006 18:46:23

I have the same problem when I Play you in tournaments, it doesn't show me any tournaments for the moment and there are some. Moreover when I want to go on the forum I am asked to authenticate or I am already connected

07/02/2006 15:39:34

I would like to know if you have the same problem
when I choose my game the page appears but I can't click on Play its emet a sound but don't start the game

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