Player kinskev posted a message on 28/06 09:07 on the MadLotto Forum: DIABOLOTO. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  6 14 18 24 27 43  : Winners : 794 

Subject :  DIABOLOTO
29/06/2006 12:21:19


the Winners these DVD rentals will receive an email allowing him to confirm their willingness to receive these DVDs.

Good games!

The Web'.

29/06/2006 09:21:41

I would also like to know because it's not clear? can we exchange our prize

28/06/2006 09:07:50

Hello, I'm a bit like mosoma who asked the question on 27.06... How do you do when you win DVD rentals? Thank you and have a good day!

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