Player lafa70 posted a message on 13/02 14:47 on the MadLotto Forum: baobab express. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  baobab express
14/02/2010 14:29:48

I had exactly the same bug yesterday, rotting in the process a good place at the challenge

13/02/2010 14:47:32

Good morning, everyone.

Since a few weeks, (2 or 3 weeks), when I play baobab express, the game disconnects itself and returns to the CadoVillagehome, of course no score is credited, I write to customer service who very nice and fair play credits me with a free round, but always the mm problem.
I would like to know if other players have the mm problem than me and if they have managed to find a solution please
answer me months, I don't know what to do anymore.
Very kindly

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