Player GONNA posted a message on 28/08 22:24 on the MadLotto Forum: with the Help. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  8 18 28 29 42 49  : Winners : 813 

Subject :  with the Help
29/08/2006 10:29:36

Hello Gonna,

you must absolutely get used to reading the other messages because we answer these questions every week: among the solutions we propose and/or that have been found by other players: empty your caches, update your web browser, or even the radical solution that almost always works: change browser (switch to Firefox if you use Internet Explorer and vice versa...).

The Web'.

28/08/2006 22:24:34

:wave:I don't know what to do anymore I can't access the games for my free rounds please light my lantern

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