Player DOUME841 posted a message on 23/11 20:30 on the MadLotto Forum: VIP. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  8 18 28 29 42 49  : Winners : 813 

Subject :  VIP
14/12/2006 14:33:32

DOUME841 to written: slide to written:
Not at all! It has nothing to do with 😉 🙋
Thank you

for your answer Slide and good games 🎵 I

would like to know too 🎤 Good games for everyone

27/11/2006 22:19:54

slide to be written:
Not at all! It has nothing to do with 😉 🙋
Thank you

for your answer Slide and good games

27/11/2006 10:48:36

Not at all! It has nothing to do with 😉 🙋

23/11/2006 20:30:56

Hi, do we have
to be a big vizier on the forum to be a diamond vip???

(oo)Good games to all(oo)

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