Player betinette14 posted a message on 29/06 11:55 on the MadLotto Forum: medals. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  1 23 25 30 31 42  : Winners : 599 

Subject :  medals
30/07/2009 17:16:30

The medals depend on your ranking at each game

For example if at 5 different games you are in the top 200, you will get 400 medals x 5 or 2000 metails. If the next day you are no longer in the top 200 you will lose medals because you will have lost rank, but if you increase your ranking at certain games you will get more medals.

As each game ranking is updated every Tuesday morning at midnight, the medals are also updated to 0 at that time.

Every Tuesday morning you can see in your accountaccount history how many mp+ have brought you your medals / classment in the Mega-Contest.

If I was able to Play on the site every day, my ranking is generally between 100th and 300th place.

29/06/2009 11:55:49

who could explain EXACTLY how the medals work? Are they cumulative day after day? Is it informed if you win? etc.....
Thank you for your answers

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