Player wagonlit posted a message on 18/09 13:59 on the MadLotto Forum: Bool Hippo. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Bool Hippo
18/09/2009 15:52:26

there was no change on Bool'Hippo but there was a bug when the "new look" pages were put online.
This problem was immediately fixed, so you should not encounter it again. This is most certainly a cache problem. You should no longer have any problems after "deleting temporary internet files" from your browser!

Good games!
The Web'.

18/09/2009 13:59:55

I am very disappointed with the new hippo bool game. Indeed, before we had the possibility to use the space bar to position the fruits correctly. Today, change often leads to drawsRounds I hope that the MadWin team will return to the old version for the pleasure of all.

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