Player lolotte47001 posted a message on 21/05 15:42 on the MadLotto Forum: The Games. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  The Games
22/05/2007 12:52:02

hello lolotte47001,

on MadWin you have the right to 15 round free round per day and this until midnight, that you use on the games that you prefer so either 15 Rounds for the same game or 15 different games as you wish. it is impossible for you to make 1 Round at each game because there are 30 free games you must therefore choose! (and yes it's hard!) I hope it answers your question;
see you soon

21/05/2007 15:42:02

I just registered on the site and I already have a little problem with the games.
I was able to Play three or four games but the other games don't work because they say I've already Play them even though it's not true I've never Play them!
How is that possible? Is it normal? How can I get my parties to stop Play?
Thank you in advance to those who will answer me: wave:

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