Player Guizmore posted a message on 26/08 20:19 on the MadLotto Forum: Question: Preferred. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Question: Preferred
26/08/2010 20:19:40

Hello, I wanted to know How do you become "privileged" so I wouldn't have to wait for a moderator to validate? And if not, who managed to become a vip diamond? And how many codes did he validate?

Thank you and have a good day. πŸ™‚

27/08/2010 23:08:49

This is my goal on the forum: to participate, to answer (when I can), to give advice or opinion and sometimes even to ask questions. I like to have answers, the least I can do is to do the same.
Keep going and as I have already written, everything comes at the right time who knows how to wait! πŸ˜‰

27/08/2010 22:54:55

Thank you for answering my questions. Yours sincerely. 🍸🌹

27/08/2010 20:55:15

πŸ™‹ Hello!

VIP Diamond, I'm not, but everything comes at the right time who knows how to wait! To become one??
The Webmaster was once asked about this and replied: "Diamond VIP status is in fact a specific status intended to highlight our best players, a criterion that we couple with more subjective criteria (loyalty...etc). This is the only status that is not linked to specific criteria, so there are no "real" criteria in the sense of "things to do to become a VIP Diamond"! So it's not just a question of credits. And I'd rather be surprised!

As for the moderator status, it will soon be proposed. It is up to you to participate cordially, as you do, to give your opinion and if you can, to help other players on the forum.

Have a good time and enjoy the games!

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