Player KIKUK posted a message on 05/04 04:38 on the MadLotto Forum: I can not play. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  8 18 28 29 42 49  : Winners : 813 

Subject :  I can not play
05/04/2012 04:38:58

Hello, I can't Play any more games. I manage to navigate on the site but as soon as I click on "play" I get the following message that Next ASP error

ASP ASP 0126 File Include not found


MadWin, line 181 The file Include body/tournois/lancer_defi

.inc.asp hastournaments been found.

Do you have any ideas??

Thank you. Thank you.

06/04/2012 22:20:00

Don't panic, you just have to come back later,
and everything comes back in order.


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