Player eltorgo posted a message on 19/07 18:44 on the MadLotto Forum: Pizza of Death level 50. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Pizza of Death level 50
19/07/2012 18:44:50

Has anyone ever reached the last level of pizza of death? I'm stuck at level 50 when I've already passed it several times. That is to say, I have unlocked access to level 51 but when I play again I am still at level 50. Some players manage to score more than 160; 180 points in one Round (impossible to score at level 50) which leads me to say that he has other levels after the 50th. This bug for me then?!?!?

23/08/2012 23:27:07

Good games 😉

23/08/2012 10:05:02


Level 50 is the last level of this game: Congrats you who have reached the maximum level!

Good games!

22/08/2012 09:32:09

No, I'm also a bloker at Nivo 50 but I think it's the free Nivo after if you Recharge you unlock the others.

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