Player artson posted a message on 15/11 16:03 on the MadLotto Forum: urgent request. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  8 18 28 29 42 49  : Winners : 813 

Subject :  urgent request
15/11/2013 16:03:31

hello ! ! ! I would be really happy like most players if we could have the same draw when we do challenges at the word paris game... so there would be a tie in the Rounds and it would be fairer... because otherwise it's just chance and in this game it would encourage to Play it more often
thanks in advance to see what can be done

15/11/2013 17:40:00

artson, you know it poses the problem of the same challenge that you can Play on 2 or 3 sites
imagine how it would
look like or you would have to Play a challenge only once

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